We went to Adelaide, to see what the city of churches has to offer the discerning tourist-with-children. Turns out: plenty. We actually decided to split up for the day, so what follows is Leah and my day.
We wandered up Rundle Mall a bit and had a truly excellent coffee and donut. Then off to the art gallery for some culture.

Leah was very taken by this old “walking dress”:

Kind of cool. But is it art?

After that, we went to the museum right next door.

As a palate-cleanser, we walked around the Botanical Gardens.

Later, we chilled out at the library for a while. A tiring day, but nice. The Adelaide CBD is very pleasant for a day visit.
So while Leah and Ash were doing there thing Jamie and I did ours. Which,as it turns out, was surprisingly similar to theirs.
Jamie absolutely loved the museum. The higlights for us were the 11m squid, opalised fossils and a mirriad of beautiful rocks. The squid is displayed in disused elevator shaft down 3 floors of the museum. Here is J lying on the top viewing window.

By 1.30 it was time to take a break for lunch. After lunch J insisted on heading back into the museum to check out the discovery room. Here he spent the next 45min using the microscopes. He especially liked this digital microscope which is displaying up on the wall to my right.

I eventually managed to drag him away so that he could tick the next item off his list. The art gallery. Not so successful. Two minutes in he said ‘Is this all it is?, It’s not very interesting’. So we found the studio and spent the next hour making alfoil sculptures. I wonder how long ‘doggy’ will last on a road trip.

A touch of shopping and more food and it was time to find the rest of the family and head ‘home’.